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Corel Draw X5 |
Corel Draw adalah editor grafik vektor yang dibuat oleh Corel, sebuah perusahaan perangkat lunak yang bermarkas di Ottawa, Kanada. Versi terakhirnya versi 15 yang dinamai X5 dirilis pada bulan Februari 2010. CorelDRAW pada awalnya dikembangkan untuk dijalankan pada sistem operasi Windows 2000 dan yang lebih baru. Versi CorelDRAW untuk Linux dan Mac OS pernah dikembangkan, tetapi dihentikan karena tingkat penjualannya rendah.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 is perfect for the following audiences:
* Specialists in design,
* Professionals in the field of applied design,
* Small businesses
* Students and teachers
* Employees of government agencies and commercial organizations.
CorelDRAW also includes several new drawing tools and improvements to current tools:
- B-Spline tool which makes drawing curved lines easier.
- Intelligent lines which helps you draw perpendicular or tangent connecting lines between objects.
- Rounded corners have been enhanced to make rounded-corner shapes more scalable.
- Artistic media tools have been updated for pressure sensitive effects.
- The Mesh fill tool has been improved to provide better color transitions.
- A new Document palette records every color used in the design, making it easier to use the same colors in another design.
- A pixel preview option in CorelDRAW lets you see exactly how a design will look when output to bitmap formats.
- Improvements to Export for Web dialog.
- Eyedroppers in more places with RGB value previews for easier colors sampling.
Cara Aktivasi CorelDraw X5 :
- Unduh terlebih dahulu instaler dan serial number ada link dibawah ini
- Buka corel x5 keygen (klik 2x)
- Klik tombol Serial Number di keygen (di kotak pertama akan muncul serial number CorelDRAW X5), JANGAN DI CLOSE DULU!!!!!.
- Trus kalian install CorelDRAW X5 Final yg telah kalian dapatkan dsini, trus masukkan serial number yg di dapat di keygen td (copy paste, copy nya pakai CTRL+C, paste pakai CTRL+V)
- Ikutin aja langkah penginstallan sampai selesai
- Selesai install, buka CorelDRAW nya, trus muncul kotak permintaan aktivasi, klik tombol Activate Now
- Pilih Phone Corel
- Akan ada 3 kotak, Serial Number (sudah terisi), Installation Code (sudah terisi), Activation Code (kosong)
- Kembali ke keygen td, isi kotak Installation Code (kotak ke 2), copy paste Installation Code di CorelDRAW nya (tanpa tanda -)
- Setelah Installation Code di keygen terisi, trus klik tombolActivation Codenya, akan muncul tuh kode aktivasi nya (kotak ke 3), copy paste lagi di kotak Activation Code di CorelDRAW nya, klik next.
- Corel X5 anda sudah terinstal dengan baik, full version.
Download CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 - Free Trial DISINI......
Download Keygen DISINI......
Password RAR: bayoupratama.blogspot.com
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